
Apprendistato in Campania

The apprenticeship contract is for young people between 15 and 29 years and allows you to gain a professional qualification. Adjust an employment relationship in which the company is committed to train the apprentice, through phases of practical training and technical-professional.

The new contract of apprenticeship, unlike what happened before, has the objective of training young people, not for a single work but for the labor market.

The employer, therefore, apart from paying a fee for the activity must provide vocational training to the apprentice.


The Decree No. 276/2003 provides for three types of contracts, with different objectives:

apprenticeship for the completion of the right-duty to education and training, which allows you to achieve a professional qualification and is directed to young people, particularly young people and teenagers who have reached 15 years (mostly the age group between 15 and 18 years). This form of apprenticeship for a maximum of 3 years, determined to achieve the qualification, the qualification, the vocational and training credits acquired, as well as skills assessment carried out by public employment services or accredited private ;
apprenticeship, which allows to obtain a qualification through job training and technical-vocational learning. It can last up to 6 years, depending on the terms established by collective bargaining. You can add the apprenticeships undertaken in the context of the right-duty to education and vocational education with those of the apprenticeship;
apprenticeship for the acquisition of a diploma or advanced training, allowing you to achieve a qualification at secondary level, university or higher education and the technical specialization. The duration of apprenticeship for the acquisition of a diploma or advanced training should be established, only for profiles that relate to the training, the Regions in accordance with the social partners and educational institutions involved.

The periods of the first and second type of learning is summed up to a maximum of 6 years.

The second and third type of learning as they target young people between 18 and 29 years (the assumption can be made until the day prior to the completion of thirty years of age or up to 29 years and 364 days) and seventeen year olds have a professional qualification (according to the Moratti Reform).