
INPS: Indennità di disoccupazione ASpI e mini–ASpI


L'INPS, con la circolare n. 142 del 18 dicembre 2012, fornisce le istruzioni circa le nuove discipline, previste dall'articolo 2 della Legge 28 giugno 2012 n. 92  (Riforma del Mercato del Lavoro), conosciute come: Indennità di disoccupazione ASpI e mini–ASpI.

Le due nuove prestazioni sono destinate a sostituire a tutti gli effetti le attuali prestazioni di:

  • disoccupazione ordinaria non agricola a requisiti normali;
  • disoccupazione ordinaria non agricola a requisiti ridotti;
  • disoccupazione speciale edile;
  • mobilità.

In particolare, la circolare tratta:

  1. Premessa e quadro normativo
  2. Disciplina della nuova indennità di disoccupazione (ASpI)
  3. Disciplina indennità di disoccupazione mini-ASpI
  4. Definizione del trattamento da porre in pagamento   
  5. Revoca giudiziale delle prestazioni
  6. Prestazioni accessorie
  7. Ricorsi
  8. Regime fiscale
  9. Istituti in vigore




Unemployment is  the condition of  peple whose don't work, actively seek a job and are immediately available to work.


It may be a person who has lost work place or a person in search of first employment.

The conditions of unemployment is attested by the Public Employment Services enabled (in the Campania region from the Centri per l'Impiego) and is recognized when the conditions prescribed by law (State Unemployment).

The condition of unemployment lasting more than two years, attested by the relevant department, the requirement is an incentive for taking not end work  which provides for the reduction of total social security contributions and insurance for three years.

The unemployment compensation benefits to workers that it is insured against involuntary unemployment, when they lose their jobs. The allowance is 60% of final salary and has a duration of 8 months (12 months if the worker has more than 50 years of age).

on the INPS portal you can find all the information relating to unemployment benefits: requirements, mode of application, starting date of the request, termination and legal note.

INPS portal gives information about:

  • ordinary non-agricultural
  • ordinary with reduced requirements
  • ordinary for agricultural workers
  • special treatment for agricultural workers
  • special treatment for the building