
Più apprendi più lavori

cig più To promote the integration of young people working in the circuit between the ages of 18 and 29 years, through the attainment of a professional qualification in the field, the Campania Region, with the financial resources of the ESF OP 2007-2013, promotes a system of incentives aimed at businesses who carry out the execution of contracts of apprenticeship. In addition, to increase the marketability of the qualification attained, the booklet will be issued with relevant certification training.

Who can participate?
Employers with a production unit and / or operational headquarters in the region, taking apprentices apprentice contract in all areas and activities, as of 10/12/2010 Framework Agreement between the Department of Work and social partners.

Who are the recipients of the intervention?
The intervention program involves two types of recipients:

young people aged between 18 and 29 years, EU citizens living in Campania by at least 12 months, which have no regular paid employment for at least six months young people between 18 and 29 years, EU citizens resident in Campania and at least 12 months registered on the lists of the Law 68/99, "A framework for the right to work of disabled people".

Who defines who is addressed?
The host will select the recipients of the action on their own through their usual procedures for research and personnel selection.

What is the incentive provided?
The incentive varies depending on the type of recipients:
contribution of € 5,000 for the recipients of category A contribution of € 7,500 for the recipients of category B.

The above contribution is combined with similar facilities granted by the State or other agencies.

What expenses are eligible?
The gross salary, before taxes and any other labor costs.

How to present and submit the action?
Action may be submitted only through the platform
The registration of applications and protocol incentives follow "the procedure to door" until all of the resources available and no later than the expiration of the notice on the day fixed for 30.06.2011.

For further info