
Integration and regularization of immigrant labor

il bando Campania al lavoro
Incentive to the stipulation of apprenticeship
The aim of the intervention and promote the integration of young immigrants working in the circuit between 18 and 29 years, aimed at obtaining a professional qualification through work. The qualification of workers in vocational apprenticeship must be understood as the acquisition of basic skills, cross-professional and technical. Encourage the paths and processes of integration and cohesion and social inclusion. Protect the rights of citizenship with interventions necessary to support the immigrants working and living. Encourage emerging paths designed to achieve a degree of higher education and / or acquisition of a vocational qualification. In support of the trainees will be provided training resources for its activities using a specific training catalog on the basis of criteria to be compared with the partnership table.
How it works: The companies located in the Campania region can apply for an individual contribution of € 8,000, of which Euro 4,000 for the first entry, Euro 4,000 for the transformation and stabilization. 50%, at least of the resources must be for women, with the possibility of resorption.
Resources: € 8,000,000.00
Target audience: Young immigrants who completed their schooling, wish to fit in work and to achieve a specific professional qualification in the field. The only restriction on the age and the expected, which can not be less than 18 years