
European Job Days On Line

Sei interessato a reclutare o a trovare un lavoro in Europa? Allora le Giornate Europee del lavoro sono esattamente quello che ti serve! Le Giornate Europee del lavoro sono eventi di reclutamento dinamici che uniscono chi cerca di lavoro e datori di lavoro. I candidati possono trovare non solo opportunità di lavoro, ma anche informazioni pratiche e consigli da EURES e altri professionisti dell’occupazione. I datori di lavoro potranno godere di accesso libero e diretto ad un grande bacino di disoccupati europei interessati alla mobilità. Ci sono centinaia di Giornate europee del lavoro che si svolgono in tutta Europa ogni anno. I Job Days variano in dimensioni e settore economico ma sono tutti gestiti con l’obiettivo di favorire la mobilità in tutta Europa e, naturalmente, mettere il candidato giusto al posto giusto. Per rendere le Giornate europee del lavoro accessibili a quante più persone possibile, sono stati creati i Job Days europei online che permettono ai datori di lavoro e alle persone in cerca di lavoro di incontrarsi "virtualmente" senza essere fisicamente presenti ad un evento in loco. Alcune Giornate europee del lavoro combinano un evento in loco con una Giornata europea del lavoro online. Qualunque sia la vostra preferenza, siamo sicuri che troverete un evento che soddisfi le vostre esigenze. Gli eventi di quest’anno si focalizzano particolarmente (ma non solo) sulla sanità, ingegneria e ICT. Quindi, se siete alla ricerca di un lavoro o che offre offerte di lavoro in questi settori, assicuratevi di registrarvi per questi eventi al più presto. Basta andare sul sito http://www.europeanjobdays.eu/ EJD e cliccare sull’evento di vostro interesse, e seguire le semplici istruzioni. I Job Days sono generalmente in lingua Inglese. Ecco alcuni European Job Days: ICT Event in Lund - 24 April Online + onsite, Target audience: ICT professionals EURES, in co-operation with the Swedish employment service Arbetsf�rmedlingen and Ideon Science Park will hold an ICT Job Fair in Lund, Sweden on April 24. This event is an opportunity to meet enthusiastic jobseekers within the ICT industry. There is a serious shortage of qualified professionals in the Swedish ICT sector. The objective is to inform and promote work opportunities to countries within the Eures network. Jobseekers from other European countries will be able to join online and take advantage of this opportunity to see presentations in English on living and working in Sweden and to listen to Swedish employers presenting their vacancies.For more information: europeanjobdays.eu/lund ICT European Online Job Day Dublin - 9 May Online only, Target audience: ICT professionals who want to work in Dublin The ICT Online European Job Day organised from Ireland is aimed at attracting software and IT talent from across Europe to join its booming technology sector. If you are a jobseeker, at the ICT Online European Job Day you will be able to search and apply for jobs that match your profile, make contact with employers and book one or more job interviews during the event. Employers will have access to a range of recruitment services, including publishing vacancies on the event's website, automatic screening and matching of CVs and the scheduling and conducting of online interviews on the day of the event.For more information: europeanjobdays.eu/dublin Engineers Mobility Days Coimbra - 21-22 May Online + onsite, Target audience: Engineers and ICT professionals The Engineers Mobility Days, organized from Portugal, is now in its 3rd edition and is an opportunity for companies to meet with highly skilled engineering and IT professionals from Portugal and from across Europe. This event welcomes graduates and students but also experienced jobseekers with solid language skills (mostly English), some of them already with international experience. This event will take place both onsite at the Coimbra Institute of Engineering (ISEC), where mostly Portuguese candidates will be present, or online from your home or office, for candidates Europe-wide.For more information: europeanjobdays.eu/coimbra ICT Mobility Day Amsterdam - June (date to be confirmed) Online only, Target audience: ICT professionals who want to work in Amsterdam Despite the economic crisis in the Netherlands and the sharp rise in unemployment, many Dutch IT companies are struggling to find qualified staff. The IT sector is very strong in Amsterdam. We expect that the ICT Mobility Day in Amsterdam will be highly appreciated by Dutch employers and foreign jobseekers. At the event, Dutch employers will have the opportunity to present their companies and vacancies on the EJD website. Jobseekers from all parts of Europe will be able to communicate with Dutch employers and apply for vacancies.More information will be available soon at: europeanjobdays.eu/amsterdam European Job Days Zaragoza - 22-23 May Onsite only, Target audience: Engineers and healthcare professionals European Job Days Zaragoza aims to put graduates and skilled professionals in the engineering and health sector in all regions of Spain in touch with potential employers across Europe, but specifically in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Italy and the Czech Republic. Jobseekers will be able to register online prior to the event and schedule interviews with potential employers. At the event, jobseekers will attend their pre-scheduled interviews and will also be able to receive information from EURES advisers regarding living and working conditions in various European countries. For Employers, the event will be an ideal opportunity to promote their vacancies in Spain and meet face-to-face with potential employees. The event is mainly focused on the health and engineering sectors, but employers from other sectors are also welcome to advertise their vacancies. For more information: europeanjobdays.eu/zaragoza

(Fonte Caserta Orientajob)